So at least 20,000 people (according to the BBC) BBC Article, but that was the police estimates, so it could be higher than that. Some people around here have said maybe 50,000 or more. So what was "the wave"??? Well I'll just post the link to the website to make it easier for people to understand The Wave Website, basically it was a march to push for more aggressive action regarding climate change. People were encouraged to wear blue in any shape or fashion. I had a blue sweatshirt, blue jeans, and ended up getting some blue paint on my face as well.
It hit the climax by encircling parliament at 3pm where everyone waved at parliament. Very kid friendly, lots of parents & children marched along, lots of banners from multiple types of organisations. I went with other members of Wood Green Mennonite Church. I took out most of my blurry photo, but I left a photo of the Wood Green banner in, even though it isn't great. Peter is in full motion!
Neat experience to have & makes me hopeful for the future regarding issues surrounding the climate. Checked for news in the US if there were any similar marches, but sadly there were none...
Photos from the march. (and the dragon at the end was actually in a news article, so I managed to get near something that got on the news, but I wasn't near it when they got in)...the picture of me is just proof that I was there.
This looks cool, Sam. No marches here at the moment, but there are a few vigils scheduled (in the freezing cold) for keeping a public health option in any changes forthcoming from Washington.