Monday, August 29, 2011

Cycling - North Dykes to Hawkshead

Day 3 of cycling ~ 46 mile day, 181 total.

Words just can't describe the day we've had.  Cycling through the Lake District was simply beautiful.  It was a nice short day compared to our 85 mile jaunt through the rain the day before.  While it was cloudy, it really didn't rain on us much except for short downpours.  Had a wonderful lunch of bread, tomato, brie, olive oil, salt/pepper with some chocolate milk.  Also found the only nettles within a 100 square yards of me.  That's talent.

This was RIGHT before we took a wrong turn and went down a very very very long hill.  Smiles of ignorance...

Yummy lunch

This picture just doesn't do the area justice.  The colours of brown and shades of green were so vivid.  Old stone walls everywhere.  Just gorgeous.

Behind Thrilmere Reservoir.  We took the backroad on the advice of Jane from the day before.  Great advice as we had a very pleasant ride and beautiful views with the lake and mountains.

Again, just gorgeous. I didn't make it up this hill... my granny gear didn't go quite low enough.  I tried for part of it, but lost it after the next turn or so.  It went on for about 1/2 mile.  Isaac did make it in his granny gear, to which he was quite proud.  He said he'd never seen a gradient that high before on any road he'd cycled.

Maize the dog.

Our hosts in Hawkshead.  David and his wife Sarah.  David was one of the Bridge Builders courses I helped run earlier in the year.  They fed us dinner and a cooked breakfast!  Wonderful way to start the day.  Also got to sample some Kendal mint cakes, another regional food.  Basically mint and sugar - YUM.  Their sweet old dog Maize couldn't get enough attention from us, which we were glad to give her.

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